Blue sky blue sea - 100x100cm CHF 5500
Deep blue sea - 110x180cm - sold
A wonderful place to be - 75x150cm - sold
Abendkraft - 150x150cm - private
Abendrot - 160x130cm - sold
Blue dream - 160x130cm - sold
Far away - 60x240cm - sold
Heaven - 150x150cm - sold
Ferne Ruhe - 110x180cm - sold
Heavengate - 100x240cm - sold
Himmelsspiel - 110x180cm - sold
Himmlische Weite - 110x180cm - sold
Horizon - 60x240cm - sold
Horizon - 110x180cm CHF 8500
Meeresblick - 75x150cm - private
Sanfte Weite - 110x180cm - sold
Meereshimmel - 160x130cm - sold
Quiet place - 150x150cm CHF 10000
Sky of mine - 150x150cm - private
Traumhafte Nacht - 110x180cm - sold
Traumhafte Schönheit - 80x80cm CHF 4500
Fernes Land - 110x180cm - private
Wonderful red sky - 110x180cm CHF 8500